Chase Utley Is Still an Elite Defender

If you look only at the recent trend in Defensive Runs Saved totals for Chase Utley, then it looks like he has really declined in skill, defensively.  After a prime that saw him save an estimated 115 runs between 2005 and 2010, Utley has just 20 Runs Saved in the…

Alex Vigderman 07.26.2013
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Scott Kazmir’s Rebirth

In case you haven’t noticed, Scott Kazmir has returned to the major leagues.  Not only that, but he’s made 17 starts for a contending team, the Cleveland Indians.  Kazmir’s fastball velocity sits above 92 mph, at the same level as his 2006-07 peak with the then Devil Rays.  He’s mixing…

Alex Vigderman 07.24.2013
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